Sports Courts

Equipped with an outstanding infrastructure for the practice of tennis, shuttlecock, volleyball, indoor football, basketball, and soccer, the Sports Center is the perfect place for you to engage in team sports. Choose the one that best suits you and start taking care of your health.

We have three tennis courts, three shuttlecock courts, a volleyball court, indoor football court, basketball court, and a soccer field.

  • Monday to Friday: 07:00 am to 21:30 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 07:00 am to 19:00 pm
  • Tuesday and Wednesday: 07:30 am to 21:30 pm
  • Monday, Thursday and Friday: 07:30 am to 19:00 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 07:30 am to 19:00 pm
  • Monday to Friday: 07:00 am to 21:30 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 07:00 am to 19:00 pm